June Second, 1910 - an OCD reading

All quotations from William Faulkner's 'The Sound and The Fury' are from the Norton Critical Edition of the text (1994). All page references to quotations from critics also refer to this edition unless otherwise stated. For my latest OCD-themed reading of a great literary text, I have turned to one of my all-time favourite pieces of writing. This is a fascinating text for anyone who has experienced periods of mental unwellness. I first encountered William Faulkner's 'The Sound and the Fury' in the year 2006. This was during a period of relative mental stability for me in my twenties. Having been hospitalised with OCD and depression in 2003, during my Bachelor's degree, I was about to start my Master's in English literature. Faulkner's novel is preoccupied with time and the ways in which characters in the book try at different points to arrest, overcome, and recover time. In the throes of unchecked OCD and the performance of so many compulsions thro...